Thursday, December 15, 2011

Re-Occupy #D17

Saturday, December 17th, noon

An all day performance event at Duarte Square, 6th and Canal

On Saturday, December 17th Occupy Wall Street — with support from more than 1400 faith leaders, elders of the civil rights movement, prominent artists and community members — will gather at noon in Duarte Square, downtown Manhattan, for an all day performance event. This event is part of a call to re-occupy in the wake of the coordinated attacks and subsequent evictions of occupations across the nation and around the world.

OWS has sparked a national movement that has exposed the moral bankruptcy of an economy of homeless families and vacant homes, crowded classrooms and empty schools, Wall Street bonuses and endless unemployment lines. This weekend, in a vacant lot at the heart of lower Manhattan, we will continue to occupy the nation’s imagination with art, culture, and our vibrant cry for freedom--as we call out for justice and equality for the 99% through the exercise of our first amendment rights.

Canal and 6th Ave is the site of a vacant lot owned by Trinity Real Estate, the corporate arm of Trinity on Wall Street. Over the past month, since the eviction of Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) on November 14th, members of the Occupy Wall Street movement with interfaith leaders, elders of the civil rights movement and artists have asked Trinity on Wall Street to do the right thing, and offer sanctuary to the movement in this vacant lot. As Occupy Wall Street supporter Bishop George E. Packard cautions, “I have this great worry that this venerable parish will be on the wrong side of history...Think of it as offering hospitality to travelers from our future who bring the message of "no injustice, no more." If we really saw OWS for who they are rather than putting up roadblocks in their path we'd truly delight in their coming!” In the spirit of Advent, we urge Trinity Church to do the right thing and stand with us on December 17 as we mark the three-month anniversary of the Occupy movement and the one-year anniversary of the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, which sparked the Arab Spring and a global movement for social justice.

Speakers, live music and performances will begin at noon and continue into the night. All activities will be broadcast live on WBAI. Listeners and vistors are invited to tune in and participate in the celebration and expansion of this movement for social and economic justice.

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