Thursday, May 19, 2011

Would You Eat Test-Tube Meat?

The current issue of The New Yorker explores an idea whose time has come: test-tube meat. An international network of stem-cell biologists and tissue engineers, cheered on by animal-rights advocates and environmentalists, are working on growing muscle tissue in vitro just as it is now grown inside the bodies of animals, but without all the filth,environmental devastation, and cruelty associated with factory farms and slaughterhouses.
The author notes that one drawback to test-tube meat is its cost, but it's important to bear in mind that meat production is currently heavily subsidized. It is estimated that, without subsidies, the average cost of hamburger would be around $35 a pound. And that doesn't even take into account the huge medical costs associated with heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and other diseases linked with meat consumption.
Quick to see the tremendous lifesaving potential of lab-grown meat, PETA has sponsored biological engineer Nicholas Genovese's research into it. Says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk, "If people are unwilling to stop eating animals by the billions, then what a joy to be able to give them animal flesh that comes without the horror of the slaughterhouse, the transport truck, and the mutilations, pain, and suffering of factory farming." 
While you wait for test-tube T-bones to show up in your local Winn-Dixie, you can get started saving lives (your own and animals') today by ordering a free vegetarian/vegan starter kit

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Toka, Iringa, and Thika Need You!

For years, Toka, Iringa, and Thika, the three elephants who remain at the Toronto Zoo, have suffered in an enclosure that denies them everything that would be natural and important to them.
In the last four years, four elephants have died prematurely at the zoo, and now the zoo board appears intent on sending them to another zoo, despite the fact that elephants at zoos are suffering and dying prematurely because of the inadequate and unnatural conditions that they endure.
You can help to ensure a happy ending to the otherwise tragic story of the elephants at the Toronto Zoo. Now that the zoo has agreed to rehome Toka, Iringa, and Thika, will you speak up for them today and ask Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, the city's councillors, and the zoo board to retire them to a reputable elephant sanctuary instead of another inadequate zoo before they have to endure another cold Canadian winter?


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Avoid Deadly Destinations This Summer

Summer vacation is almost here, and we know you're dying to get out of the house and have some good old fashioned fun (roller coasters? Yes, please!)—but while you're off celebrating your newfound freedom, be sure that you're not contributing to the imprisonment of others. Sometimes it's hard to choose which destinationsare the deadliest..

Disney's Wild Animal Kingdom (Orlando, Florida)
Before the park even opened, 31 animals died because of neglect—including two cranes who were run over by safari trucks, four cheetah cubs who swallowed toxins, and two otters who ate poisonous seeds from trees planted in their exhibit!
SeaWorld (San Antonio, Texas; San Diego, California; Orlando, Florida)
Not only do dolphins and whales at SeaWorld live in a virtual bathtub, at least 36 orcas and 54 dolphins havedied at U.S. SeaWorld facilities. The aquarium industry worldwide has claimed the lives of at least 150 orcas and thousands of dolphins (that's a lot of deaths, guys!).
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo, California)
Since 1995, eight elephants have died at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Elephants at Discovery Kingdom are even forced to perform tricks and give rides to park visitors (I know—elephant rides?!). Elephant handlers and visitors to the park have been injured by elephants on three separate occasions, but Discovery Kingdom World keeps on. Don't they know that elephants never forget?
Six Flags Wild Safari (Jackson, New Jersey)
In one three-month period, 26 animals died at Six Flags Wild Safari, with causes of death ranging from neck and skull fractures to hypothermia, tetanus, pneumonia, and drowning. As if that isn't enough, Wild Safari has sold "surplus" baboons to biomedical researchers— definitely not okay.
Saint Louis Zoo (Saint Louis, Missouri)
Born at the zoo in 1983, a chimpanzee named Reuben was torn from his family when he was only a year old and sent to another zoo. Two years later, he was transferred to yet another zoo, where he spent the next 14 years of his life totally alone before the zoo acquired other chimpanzees. In 2005, zoo workers didn't to properly lock the chimpanzees' cage after cleaning it, and all four chimpanzees inside escaped. Reuben was killed when he was shot nearly a dozen times—just another reason not to go to zoos.
The good news? You don't have to support these companies! Go kayaking, canoeing, camping, hiking, skiing, or biking with your friends and family! You could also hit the beach, check out museums, or go to amusement parks that don’t use animals. The opportunities are endless!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dealing with selfish people.

Many a times we come across people who are hard to forget. Well, not always because they are helpful or bequeath us with some wonderful experiences, but sometimes because they give us unforgettable awful experiences with their utterly bad behavior and selfish characteristics.

Though, we hardly expect everybody to be good and helpful to us, we don’t even expect that people use us for their benefits and behave in a manner to make us feel low or worthless. We don’t expect that people should help us in return for everything we do for them, but we do expect that people would at least notice and weigh our efforts made to help them and not just take our efforts as granted.

Despite this, we still come across people who are mean, arrogant, egotistical and selfish. Encounters with such people leave us feeling hurtful and used to a great extent. Moreover, if one is a sensitive person with a soft heart, then such associations might give them hard-to-forget, distressing experiences. One or two such experiences would surely leave us flabbergasted and we would wish to stay away from such people in the future.

Though it is not easy to recognize a selfish person immediately, they possess some particular traits and some peculiar characteristics. We can keep ourselves off-hook if we know their baiting traits.

·        All selfish people display a very uncaring attitude and a strong “Me first” trait.

A very peculiar and common trait which all selfish and conceited people possess is that they always put themselves and their needs on the forefront. They only give heed to their priorities, their goals and in the process would not think of anyone else, not even about those who might be really needy than them.

When it comes to getting their needs met and their work done, they would turn a deaf ear to the necessities of others. Such selfish people do not believe in the “Live and Let Live“ philosophy, constantly putting their own needs and desires first, they just live for themselves.

A selfish person would view others only as a means to get what they want. They have a have tunnel vision which starts from and leads to themselves and their personal needs alone.

·        Another trait which selfish and conceited people show is being manipulative, scheming and plotting most of the times.

This trait arises from the fact that selfish people are driven by the fear of loss of control. They therefore become very manipulative and scheming. They tend to control everything by maligning someone’s reputation or by misrepresenting things.

Selfish people have a great inherent desire to control situations and people and are unwilling to reach compromises with others. To get their own way they would down cast others and debase anybody’s reputation.

·        Another conspicuous trait which all conceited and selfish people display is of being calculative and accumulators.

Oscar Wilde, the Irish writer, poet and prominent aesthete, has expressed this demeaning selfish trait in such beautiful words, “There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up.”

This selfish characteristic gives people a grave tendency to hold and hoard things to themselves.

It becomes difficult for such people to part with even simple things like their time and efforts, leave aside important things like money. They would hoard all the resources to themselves and would not share it with anyone even if those resources would go wasted and depleted.

They would never think of sacrificing anything for anybody and in case they do it some time they would expect a lot in return. Insecurity might be the reason behind this base characteristic the selfish people display. They feel it is their right to receive from others but never feel obliged to return anything.  Selfish people behave in this manner because they don’t know how to balance giving with taking.

·        Low self esteem is another characteristic displayed by selfish people that gives them a negative outlook towards life and making them contemptuous of others in general.

This negative trait towards everything makes them bad team players as they always try to pull down others with their remarks, actions or suggestions.

They find it hard to motivate and inspire people because they themselves lack motivation and the drive to look ahead in life. This characteristic makes them unpopular in a team and a misfit at group tasks.

·        A selfish person is highly self centered and self obsessed.
This trait makes them see or hear no one else. They become bad listeners and give little or no consideration to what others have to say. They are inconsiderate and have little or no room for compassion. They would cut off conversations and bring the focus on themselves.

It becomes their earnest desire to be seen and heard more than anyone else making them oblivious to the opinions, suggestions and advices of others. All the conversations they indulge in pertain and turn back to themselves.

Looking at the traits and characteristics selfish people possess, one thing becomes obvious that selfish people do not need your contempt. You surely have to keep yourself shielded from their negativist traits but you don’t need to run from them.

All of us are selfish to some extent, but when the traits and characteristics go beyond control they make us selfish down to the core. Selfish people are ridiculed and downcast by the society in general.

A big non-selfish and selfless trait would be to understand such people and help them out of their selfishness and greedy attitude by accepting their presence, although cautiously.  
Of course be careful not to fall in the trap of their cagey attitude, but by not ignoring them and remaining unfazed and unaffected by their damaging, detrimental and calculating behavior, you might help a selfish person understand the value of selflessness. You never know, how greatly your selfless approach can help a selfish person reform into a kind, loving and unassuming soul.

The thought is so rightly put forth by James Allen, the philosophical writer, “The selfishness must be discovered and understood before it can be removed. It is powerless to remove itself, neither will it pass away of itself. Darkness ceases only when light is introduced; So ignorance can only be dispersed by Knowledge; Selfishness by Love.”

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun filled weekend for ALL YOU vegans/ vegetarians in the NYC area!

Do you like partying with other vegans and playing fancy dress and shouting in the street about how vegan you are? This is your weekend!

Last year was a smash!

Sunday (May 15) brings us the fourth annual Veggie Pride Parade. March and chant your way from the Meat Packing District to Union Square, and stick around for the costume contest which features some enviable prizes!

Have fun! Don't forget to drink enough water along with your alcohol as you party the nights away, and if you go to the parade, remember to keep your liquor in a brown bag and slather on plenty of sunscreen.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The logics of how to Brainwash and Influence People

The opinions and behaviors of people and societies are easily swayed. Every decade, every year, every week, those who control mass media change the climates of human thought. New pop stars, fashions, and fads are paraded center stage and then exit stage left followed by floods of expendable cash, leaving the path of sordid garbage known as “popular culture” in its wake.

Now the power to rule the world and wag the cultural dog is at your fingertips. What follows are simple instructions, a manual, a playbook of sorts, some simple behavioral tools to influence and take advantage of the nervous systems of all your peers.

Politics also plays a major role in contributing.

1. The key to truly effective brainwashing is to work at people’s most fundamental awareness. Shape them at the neurological level so they develop the faculties to take your input and call it “thinking for myself.” Enable them to stop thinking.

2. Limit any and all faculties for self-awareness and self-sensing. Destroy instinct and intuition. Actively and endlessly encourage external awareness. Make people dependent on your external input for as many decisions as possible.

3. Condition people to being bombarded with hundreds of thousands of signals a day. Teach them to attend to this stream of information and to call it Reality. Never let them ask what “reality” is.

4. Framing is everything. Decide what you want people to believe and make sure that any choices you give them are within a framework which assures you of your result. This is called the Illusion of Choice.

5. Bypass rationality by any means possible. People don’t need logic to accept information. Belief is emotional. Always remember: WAR=PEACE.

6. Remember –- two half-truths make up a whole truth.

7.Keep old models of consciousness alive and well. If you can get away with referring to people’s states as being phlegmatic or sanguine instead of programmable and intentional, do it

8. Always give the impression that Everything Is Under Control – but just barely so – hammer into the populace the idea that their greatest fear could strike at any moment.

9. Teach people that they are their thoughts and emotions. Reinforce this by teaching them to feel bad about their ideas, and to feel bad about feeling bad. Remember: Identify, identify, identify –- this will widen the empty void inside of them that only shopping can cure.

10. Repetition is key

11. Sensationalize the superficial.

12. Ensure that there are no ongoing storylines with meaning or purpose beyond immediate sensory stimulation. Avoid universal themes as much as possible. Make absolutely certain there is no cultural, societal or global story or mythology present that conflicts with the myths of comfort and consumption.

13. Don’t make people think. Their days are hard enough as is. Bypass the need for opinion making by giving people ready-made opinions. Do it as though you don’t have a conscience – they are probably too stupid to make their own decisions anyway.

14. Keep people passive. Encourage

15. Limit any and all faculties for self-awareness and self-sensing. Destroy instinct and intuition. Actively and endlessly encourage external awareness. Make people dependent on your external input for as many decisions as possible.

16. Manipulate everything, anything, and everyone.

17. Ensure that there are no ongoing storylines with meaning or purpose beyond immediate sensory stimulation.

18. Emphasize what’s wrong as much as possible.

19. Always give the impression that Everything Is Under Control – but just barely so – hammer into the populace the idea that their greatest fear could strike at any moment.

By sticking to these simple premises you should be able to produce entire societies too selfish to care. You will be able to bring about habits so powerful that logic and reason become superfluous. You will be the new face of media. Good luck!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cruelty-Free Vacation Hot Spots

"Be Kind to Animals" Week is winding down, but you can keep on helping animals! If you are hitting the road this summer, please drive right on byzoosroadside animal displays, and marine theme parks. Places likeSeaWorld count on vacationers to keep money flowing in, but buying a ticket means supporting the lifelong confinement of orcas, dolphins, and all other captive animals.

Here are some cruelty-free suggestions:
  • If you visit Florida, Key West's Eco-Discovery Center offers interactive displays and walk-through labs, but the animals are swimming freely. Best of all: It's free!
  • Also in the Florida Keys, John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park encompasses 178 nautical square miles to protect and preserve the only living coral reef in the continental United States. You can swim there with animals—in their home, on their terms.
  • The Virtual Dolphin Therapy at the La Quinta Healing Arts Center in California recreates an underwater sanctuary with a multimedia mix of dolphin vocalizations, a screen showing frolicking dolphins, and a vibrating sound-wave table.
  • North America's only natural freshwater "aquarium" is located in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Fluvarium provides panoramic glimpses into a real diverted brook where fish swim freely in and out of the viewing areas, which include deep and shallow ponds and a fast-flowing "riffle" where the fish spawn in the fall.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Dog Who Took Down Bin Laden

Among the 80 Navy SEALs who raided Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad was a member of another species—a dog. The New York Times reports that a dog who was likely trained to detect explosives was strapped to a SEAL's chest and lowered from a helicopter into the walled compound. Like the identities of the SEALs involved in the mission, details about the dog are being kept under wraps, but we can only hope that, since he or she is being described in the present tense as a "hero," the dog survived and was evacuated safely with the rest of the team.

An estimated 600 dogs are being used by U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, and General David Petraeus has called for the use of even more dogs, claiming that their abilities "cannot be replicated by man or machine." In the year 2011, we would argue that technology can—and should—be used in place of animals in dangerous missions. We are not against working dogs per se (it depends on the conditions, training, and retirement plans), but we are against sending dogs into what will probably be a gun battle.

Glenn Greenwald: Obama’s Comments on Bradley Manning Mark "Amazing Amount of Improper Influence" in WikiLeaks Case

Military officials announced Thursday that accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning has been cleared to be held as a medium-security prisoner at Fort Leavenworth, where he was just transferred. Up until last week, the Army private was being held in solitary confinement at a Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia. His treatment at Quantico was condemned by Amnesty International and led to a probe by a torture expert at the United Nations.

He was held at Quantico for eight months. The entire time, he was held in solitary confinement, 23 hours a day, inside his cell, forbidden from exercising while inside his cell—a completely punitive and irrational restriction. The one hour a day that he had was to walk around by himself in a room shackled. And so, this is the kind of isolation and psychological torment that has broken large numbers of people in permanent ways. And that’s what led to all the controversy that you just described.

In response to that controversy, it just got too big of a scandal for the Obama administration, and they just yanked him out of Quantico, in essence, without warning and have now transferred him to Fort Leavenworth, where that’s a much larger and more regularized military prison. And the claim is, although we don’t know it’s true, that his treatment will be less oppressive. He’ll have more time out of his cell and more interaction with other people.

The issue for him really is, he’s being held in the manner he’s being held because of the sever-–the seriousness of the charges he’s facing, the potential length of sentence, the national security implications, and also the potential harm to him that he could do to himself or from others, frankly, you know, who are being imprisoned there, if he were allowed to mix with the general population. So this is as much for his own good as it is because of the charges.

Recent information about the continuing criminal investigation that’s going on into the leaks, new subpoenas that seem to suggest some of the documents that the government is trying to ascertain to prove that Manning and Assange conspired even before he downloaded the material, to download the material—in other words, that Assange wasn’t just a passive recipient of the WikiLeaks documents, that he was actually conspiring to get them.

The problem the DOJ faces in trying to prosecute WikiLeaks is how do you prosecute them, but then say that other newspapers like the New York Times and the Post that have published this information shouldn’t be prosecuted, as well. And their answer, according to the New York Times about six months ago, was that they were going to try and prove, as you just said, that they actually actively conspired with Manning to help him steal the documents and didn’t just get them passively afterwards. Meanwhile, there’s been no evidence that that’s the case. The Justice Department admits there’s no evidence. And what was disturbing about the subpoena, that was served on a Cambridge, Massachusetts, resident with connections to WikiLeaks, was that it’s clearly the grand jury is considering indictments under the Espionage Act, which would be the first time a non-government employee would be convicted under that for disclosing classified information and this conspiracy theory for which there is no evidence. They’re just desperate to prosecute.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Accomplish the Mission: Bring the Troops Home

On May 1, the U.S. president addressed the nation, announcing a military victory. May 1, 2003, that is, when President George W. Bush, in his form-fitting flight suit, strode onto the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln. Under the banner announcing “Mission Accomplished,” he declared that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”

That was eight years to the day before President Barack Obama, without flight suit or swagger, made the surprise announcement that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a U.S. military operation (in a wealthy suburb of Pakistan, notably, not Afghanistan).

The U.S. war in Afghanistan has become the longest war in U.S. history. News outlets now summarily report that “The Taliban have begun their annual spring offensive,” as if it were the release of a spring line of clothes. The fact is, this season has all the markings of the most violent of the war, or as the brave reporter Anand Gopal told me Tuesday from Kabul: “Every year has been more violent than the year before that, so it’s just continuing that trend. And I suspect the same to be said for the summer. It will likely be the most violent summer since 2001.”

Let’s go back to that fateful year. Just after the Sept. 11 attacks, Congress voted to grant President Bush war authorization. The resolution passed the Senate 98-0, and passed the House 420-1. The sole vote against the invasion of Afghanistan was cast by California Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Her floor speech in opposition to House Joint Resolution 64 that Sept. 14 should be required reading:

“I rise today with a heavy heart, one that is filled with sorrow for the families and loved ones who were killed and injured in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. ... Sept. 11 changed the world. Our deepest fears now haunt us. Yet I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States. ... We must not rush to judgment. Far too many innocent people have already died. Our country is in mourning. If we rush to launch a counterattack, we run too great a risk that women, children and other noncombatants will be caught in the crossfire. ... As a member of the clergy so eloquently said, ‘As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore.’ ”

Ten years after her courageous speech, Lee, whose anti-war stance is increasingly becoming the new normal, wants a repeal of that war resolution:

“That resolution was a blank check. ... It was not targeted toward al-Qaida or any country. It said the president is authorized to use force against any nation, organization or individual he or she deems responsible or connected to 9/11. It wasn’t a declaration of war, yet we’ve been in the longest war in American history now, 10 years, and it’s open-ended.”

Lee acknowledges that Obama “did commit to begin a significant withdrawal in July.” But what does troop withdrawal mean with the presence of military contractors in war? Right now, the 100,000 contractors (called “mercenaries” by many) outnumber U.S. troops deployed in Afghanistan.

Gopal says, “The U.S. is really a fundamental force for instability in Afghanistan ... allying with local actors — warlords, commanders, government officials — who’ve really been creating a nightmare for Afghans, especially in the countryside, [and with] the night raids, breaking into people’s homes, airstrikes, just the daily life under occupation.”

Filmmaker Robert Greenwald has partnered with anti-war veterans to produce “Rethink Afghanistan,” a series of films about the war, online at In response to bin Laden’s death, they have launched a new petition to press the White House to bring the troops home. Lee supports it: “I can’t overstate how important this is for our democracy—every poll has shown that over 65, 70 percent of the public now is war-weary. And they understand that we need to bring our young men and women out of harm’s way. They’ve performed valiantly and well. They’ve done everything we’ve asked them to do, and now it’s time to bring them home.”

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

* * * * *


Now More Than Ever Before, RETHINK AFGHANISTAN

Tell the White House: "Bring the Troops Home"

'He Won'

Yes, bin Laden the man is dead. But he achieved all he set out to achieve, and a hell of a lot more. He forever changed who we are as a country, and for the worse. Mostly because we let him. That isn’t something a special ps team can fix.'Today Is Not a Day of Celebration for Me' ... it breaks my heart to witness young Americans cheer any death – even the death of a horrible, evil, murderous person – like it is some raucous tailgate party on a college campus ... Can it ever be a true victory when so many don't even seem to comprehend the magnitude of what has been lost along the way?


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May day!


Watch full movie below

END:CIV / SD / 2010 / 76 Minutes / Examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: “If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?”

The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don’t have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system—it seems to be coming apart already.

But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future.

Backed by Jensen’s narrative, the film calls on us to act as if we truly love this land, moving along at a brisk pace, using music, archival footage, motion graphics, animation, slapstick and satire to deconstruct the global economic system, even as it implodes around us. END:CIV illustrates first-person stories of sacrifice and heroism with intense, emotionally-charged images that match Jensen’s poetic and intuitive approach. Scenes shot in the back country provide interludes of breathtaking natural beauty alongside clearcut evidence of horrific but commonplace destruction.

END:CIV features interviews with Paul Watson, Waziyatawin, Gord Hill, Michael Becker, Peter Gelderloos, Lierre Keith, James Howard Kunstler, Stephanie McMillan, Qwatsinas, Rod Coronado, John Zerzan and more