Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stay True


I can't even begin to describe the amount of selfishness I have been around lately. I never met so many cold hearted heartless people in my life. Take, gimme, & give must be the new trend. I hate when nothing is ever reciprocated in friendship or love, who the fcuk wants to deal with half ass BS?!?! I sure don't.... I have taken the time the past few months to observe certain people I am around or should I say "choose" to surround myself around and I can honestly say some of their true colors are slowly leaking. So it gave me no choice but to cut them off. =] I don't need any more major setbacks in my life. I live in the NOW not the 1960's, that era is over people wake the fcuk up!!!!!!! I swear people have gone absolutely mad! People that live in the past have nothing to look forward to int he future- real talk. People that are naive and easily manipulated have the brain capacity of a worm.Treat people the way you want to be treated.  I've seen people tossed like rag dolls because they have no idea or clue who they are, to watch someone go through an identity crisis is sure painful to watch.  Too many lost souls. There are too many sheeple in this world its sick, too much corruption.. I ponder on how the world would be if everyone could actually think for themselves???  Or if people could actually make their own mind up and make their own decisions. Once you cut all the negative out you make make way for all the new positive energy!. Truth is no legend and it does liberate.

Silence is golden. Catch me if you can..

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