Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Native American wisdom
What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

Beauty and ugliness are everywhere - even in some of the same things. To some a wide open prairie is empty and colorless - but to others it is uncluttered simplicity - the way life itself ought to look. Physical appeal is high on some lists, but nu tso se dv na, which is cherokee comfort, lasts longer. Whatever is in our hearts is in our sight. To love something or someone makes us see the beauty of it - not the wrong. It is to our advantage to be gentle in our observations - to see and cultivate the best in who we are and in those around us. We love quiet; we suffer the mouse to play; when the woods are rustled by the wind, we fear not.......

Rose of Jericho

"A resurrection plant is any plant with the habit of reviving after seeming to be dead or, conversely, of seeming to revive when being in fact dead."
Found in arid areas in the Negev and Sahara Desert, as well as regions of Egypt, Israel, Persia, Jordan and Pakistan, this ancient species of everlasting plants is known as the Resurrection flower because it can go without water for years, losing 98% of its water content and then be rejuvenated within 24 hours. It is famed for its hygroscopic properties, which cause it to curl up into a tight ball when water is scarce, then unfold when in contact with water after years of being dead. The Rose of Jericho has been said to have mystical properties and to bring peace, harmony and abundance.
"The life of an Indian is like the wings of the air. That is why you notice the hawk knows how to get his prey. The Indian is like that. The hawk swoops down on its prey; so does the Indian. In his lament he is like an animal. For instance, the coyote is sly; so is the Indian. The eagle is the same. That is why the Indian is always feathered up: he is a relative to the wings of the air"
To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one. It is rather an endless struggle that will go on to the very last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or the other
The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.

Beauty and ugliness are everywhere - even in some of the same things. To some a wide open prairie is empty and colorless - but to others it is uncluttered simplicity - the way life itself ought to look. Physical appeal is high on some lists, but nu tso se dv na, which is cherokee comfort, lasts longer. Whatever is in our hearts is in our sight. To love something or someone makes us see the beauty of it - not the wrong. It is to our advantage to be gentle in our observations - to see and cultivate the best in who we are and in those around us. We love quiet; we suffer the mouse to play; when the woods are rustled by the wind, we fear not.......
Rose of Jericho
"A resurrection plant is any plant with the habit of reviving after seeming to be dead or, conversely, of seeming to revive when being in fact dead."
Found in arid areas in the Negev and Sahara Desert, as well as regions of Egypt, Israel, Persia, Jordan and Pakistan, this ancient species of everlasting plants is known as the Resurrection flower because it can go without water for years, losing 98% of its water content and then be rejuvenated within 24 hours. It is famed for its hygroscopic properties, which cause it to curl up into a tight ball when water is scarce, then unfold when in contact with water after years of being dead. The Rose of Jericho has been said to have mystical properties and to bring peace, harmony and abundance.
Monday, December 27, 2010
True gems

Exuberance is a good stimulus towards action, but the inner light grows in silence and concentration.True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which goes through successive stages.Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project your illusion.We mustn't confuse mastery with mimicry, knowledge with superstitious ignorance.You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting things perturb you.Growth in consciousness doesn't depend on the will of the intellect or its possibilities but on the intensity of the inner urge.If you would know yourself, take yourself as starting point and go back to its source; your beginning will disclose your end.Images are nearer reality than cold definitions.Knowledge is consciousness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and of the causes from which they flow.By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare.There are two kinds of error: blind credulity and piecemeal criticism. Never believe a word without putting its truth to the test; discernment does not grow in laziness; and this faculty of discernment is indispensable to the Seeker. Sound skepticism is the necessary condition for good discernment; but piecemeal criticism is an error.what you are doing does not matter so much as what you are learning from doing it. ? It is better not to know and to know that one does not know.Have the wisdom to abandon the values of a time that has passed and pick out the constituents of the future. An environment must be suited to the age and men to their environment.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Music is
Music is...
"...transmissions of recorded heart and spirit essence in sound signals that mix with our own experiences triggering an emotive response"
Saturday, December 25, 2010
There is not a single instance in history where hate has brought joy to human beings. Hate destroys those who hold it in their mind and bodies. If humanity released all hate, fear and resentment, then no dictator could ever rise and we would have Peace on Earth. Peace on Earth can only occur through Peace within each of us.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Here's to all the girls who used to be his number one.The ones who made it through that bitter break up, dried your own tears, & moved on with your life, only to have him walk back in it months later like nothing ever happened. Those of you who cried on the first day you talked again because you knew exactly where this phone call was going.Here's to the ones that took him back, hoping that maybe this time, he was different, hoping that maybe people really do change. We listened to our friends tell us that we were stupid for even thinking about giving him another chance, & even snuck around to see him for while. We went through the great stage with no fights all over again. We started this out thinking it would be just friends, & ended up falling in love with him again. We wanted nothing more in the world than to hear him tell us he loved us too, that even though things were bad in the past, they would be different this time. And when we finally heard it, it was like we were dreaming. This is for us. Here's to the ones who believed what he said. Here's for the tears cried and dried all over again. We wanted so desperately to believe that he was really busy. We trained ourselves to believe the lies because we wanted to believe we had found the one for us. We learned to settle for someone who didn't treat us the way we should be treated. Here's for the ones who did their hair and make up & put on their prettiest earrings. The ones who never believed it when people told us there might be someone else. We just couldn't believe that he could do this to us again. This is for those great girls who loved him more than words can say, & took him back no matter what happened last time because they couldn't bear to look back on their lives one day & wonder "what if". This is for the girls that stayed up all night long listening to him whine about an ex girlfriend who cheated on him, & cried during the entire conversation. The ones who hoped he would realize that he deserved better, that he deserved us. When he said that he loved you, but he was in love with her, he didn't mean it. This is for the ones that held on to something that was never there to begin with. Here's to the girls who couldn't cry to their friends because of how stupid they felt. The ones who held it all in when things came crumbling to pieces again.The ones that could just tell that they had made a mistake ever allowing him into their hearts & their dreams again. We knew that we deserved better the entire time......We just wanted the one that we loved like that. Here's for the ones that finally realized that he never gave a crap about them. Here's for the time that he broke your heart again. This is for those days spent trying to hold back the tears, & the tears that turned into anger, then disappointment. Here's for us girls who finally realized that we deserve better. This is for those confusing days, when you miss him & want nothing more than to hear his voice, or feel his arms around your waist. Stay strong and remember that relationships are like broken glass; sometimes it's better to leave it alone rather than try to put the pieces back together & get hurt. Remember the times you cried & how long it took you to even be able to look at another guy like that. When 'your song' comes on the radio, turn the station. When the day comes that he realizes what a mistake he made & tries calling, turn your phone off. When he tries coming to your house, don't answer the door. Think of the broken promises, and the lies, the manipulation & the tears, the wasted moments and staying up all night wondering where the crap he was.One day you'll find a guy who's worth all the tears, but he won't make you cry. You may think that you'll never care about someone like you did that guy that you always ran back to, but you will. It's going to hurt like crap, & it's going to need time to heal, but the point is, it will heal. This is for those girls who fell back in love with their ex, only to get hurt all over again. So girls, get over him. He's not worth it, one bit. He's not worth your time or your tears. You loved him. You love him, alot. I know, You can't see yourself with anyone but him, I get that. I've been there. Why should you spend all your time sitting at home, bawling your eyes out and wondering where he is and who he's with. Do you honestly think he's thinking about you? No. Sure it hurts that he's out there falling in and out of 'love' with other girls. You'll see him with one of his new girlfriends, and he'll hold her a little closer and squeeze her hand a little tighter because he knows your watching, and he knows it's killing you.Don't let him get to you because that's exactly what he wants.So what if he doesn't talk to you, do you honestly want to be friends with an asshole like him anyways?All he's gonna do is talk about his new girlfriend just to try and make you jealous. Just screw him and his girlfriend. He'll be sorry, trust me. When he finally sees you with some other guy other than him, with that huge grin on your face and your boyfriend holding you close, he'll realize how happy you are. And how happy your boyfriend is because he has you, the girl of his dreams. He'll realize the huge mistake he made when he let you go, when he decided to choose her over you. When he decided he just didn't love you the same. Trust me, he will be sorry. . show him your better than him and you don't need him. Prove to him that he just made the biggest mistake of his life, and you never really needed him.
....I heard mommy and daddy paid for your tour??
....I heard mommy and daddy paid for your tour??
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A criminal, greedy, nation-less corporation
A criminal, greedy, nation-less corporation with a long criminal Rap-Sheet: clearly illustrating deliberate negligence, murder of its workers, people, plunder of nations natural resources, polluting dozen or so areas all around the world and orchestrating political turmoil, and phony revolutions, including the 1953 dismantling of Dr. Mossadegh's democratically elected government of Iran / Persia and the return of the ousted King back to Iran.That is right; the answer is the British Petroleum, known asBP, the biggest criminal nation-less corporation in the world.We MUST NOT forget and must not allow this historic disastrous and impossible to clean of millions of tons of oil spill ever to be forgotten.
Dead Coral Found Near Site of Oil Spill
A survey of the seafloor near BP’s blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico has turned up dead and dying coral reefs that were probably damaged by the oil spill, The coral sites lie seven miles southwest of the well, at a depth of about 4,500 feet, in an area where large plumes of dispersed oil were discovered drifting through the deep ocean last spring in the weeks after the spill. The large areas of darkened coral and other damaged marine organisms were almost certainly dying from exposure to toxic substances, scientists said.The corals were discovered by scientists aboard a National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration research vessel using a submersible robot equipped with cameras and sampling tools. The discovery of the dead corals offers the strongest evidence so far that oil from the BP well may have harmed marine life in the deep ocean, a concern raised by many biologists soon after the April 20 blowout that caused the spill. At an estimated nearly five million barrels, it was the largest offshore oil spill in the nation’s history.A brownish substance covered many of the dead or dying reefs but was probably dead tissue and sediment, not oil, Dr. Fisher said.Oil seeps naturally from the seafloor throughout the Gulf of Mexico, but that was unlikely to have caused such a severe coral die-off. Coral sites in shallower waters farther from the well have not suffered visible damage, scientists say, but they are still studying these reefs for signs of less acute long-term effects.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Orion Correlation Theory

“The Orion Correlation Theory is a hypothesis in pyramidology. Its central claim is that there is a correlation between the location of the 3 largest pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex and the three middle stars of the constellation Orion, and that this correlation was intended as such by the builders of the pyramids. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians. Depending on the version of the theory, additional pyramids can be included to complete the picture of the Orion constellation, and the Nile river can be included to match with the Milky Way galaxy..”
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Battle within

An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me…It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too.”
I just don't understand why everything is classified in categories or groups. There are so many different hypothesis and ways of thinking/figuring stuff out I dunno what to think or believe a anymore, the possibilities are endless. What is right and wrong? I don't even know the answer. Society is categorized into sheep and the free thinkers. The mainstream and even socialism is a weapon for pure destruction. Capitalism is cruel and its the devils wet dream to the fullest. Just to watch and see what people do to themselves just to fit in and be accepted is painful.. and its all for what?? We look for life in the image of life. We see an image and want to portray it because its is easier to relate to an image then anything else. We seek comfort into becoming that image. Bing insecure is one of the worst feelings ever created, and the damage it has done has left many scars. I would never change myself and I am quite content with who I am. I am happy in my own skin and would not change it for anyone of anything. I could never turn into a "Plastic". Yuck. I find girls that have had multiple surgeries done to themselves feel the need to talk the most crap because they are now secure with who they are and can back it up. But it must suck to spend all that money just to look good. To bad it wasn't natural beauty. Must suck to spend thousands of dollars just to be accepted.
I think politics and anarchy are an evil combination when they are thrown together.. I seen so many good people go to shame from being so into it. It could really ruin and destroy a person as a whole. I have so many friends that are perfect examples and seen what they have turned into and become from it. Politics is the root to all evil and as long as its around there is no hope for our world. Violence will not solve and does not solve anything and it never will. There is nothing wrong with freedom or wanting to be free, to live like that is possible but you as a person have to make that happen. Such anger and aggression will not solve any issue, it never has. As I read the newspaper or websites on the internet all the violence in this world that goes on do to hear say and politics is ridiculous. Everyone yearns for truth and wants truth, and I strongly believe we should have the right to know specially if we are part of this world. I was reading up on Wikileaks and could not believe the thousands of info leaks they let out! Makes me wonder what else our so called government is hiding from us that WE do not KNOW. There is a secret world within this bourgeoisie world you just have to create it.
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