Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I just don't understand why everything is classified in categories or groups. There are so many different hypothesis and ways of thinking/figuring stuff out I dunno what to think or believe a anymore, the possibilities are endless. What is right and wrong?  I don't even know the answer. Society is categorized into sheep and the free thinkers. The mainstream and even socialism is a weapon for pure destruction. Capitalism is cruel and its the devils wet dream to the fullest. Just to watch and see what people do to themselves just to fit in and be accepted  is painful.. and its all for what?? We look for life in the image of life. We see an image and want to portray it because its is easier to relate to an image then anything else. We seek comfort into becoming that image. Bing insecure is one of the worst feelings ever created, and the damage it has done has left many scars. I would never change myself and I am quite content with who I am. I am happy in my own skin and would not change it for anyone of anything. I could never turn into a "Plastic". Yuck. I find girls that have had multiple surgeries done to themselves feel the need to talk the most crap because they are now secure with who they are and can back it up. But it must suck to spend all that money just to look good. To bad it wasn't natural beauty. Must suck to spend thousands of dollars just to be accepted. 

I think politics and anarchy are an evil combination when they are thrown together.. I seen so many good people go to shame from being so into it. It could really ruin and destroy a person as a whole. I have so many friends that are perfect examples and seen what they have turned into and become from it. Politics is the root to all evil and as long as its around there is no hope for our world. Violence will not solve and does not solve anything and it never will. There is nothing wrong with freedom or wanting to be free, to live like that is possible but you as a person have to make that happen. Such anger and aggression will not solve any issue, it never has. As I read the newspaper or websites on the internet all the violence in this world that goes on do to hear say and politics is ridiculous. Everyone yearns for truth and wants truth, and I strongly believe we should have the right to know specially if we are part of this world. I was reading up on Wikileaks and could not believe the thousands of info leaks they let out! Makes me wonder what else our so called government is hiding from us that WE do not KNOW. There is a secret world within this bourgeoisie world you just have to create it.

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