"The life of an Indian is like the wings of the air. That is why you notice the hawk knows how to get his prey. The Indian is like that. The hawk swoops down on its prey; so does the Indian. In his lament he is like an animal. For instance, the coyote is sly; so is the Indian. The eagle is the same. That is why the Indian is always feathered up: he is a relative to the wings of the air"
To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one. It is rather an endless struggle that will go on to the very last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or the other
The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.

Beauty and ugliness are everywhere - even in some of the same things. To some a wide open prairie is empty and colorless - but to others it is uncluttered simplicity - the way life itself ought to look. Physical appeal is high on some lists, but nu tso se dv na, which is cherokee comfort, lasts longer. Whatever is in our hearts is in our sight. To love something or someone makes us see the beauty of it - not the wrong. It is to our advantage to be gentle in our observations - to see and cultivate the best in who we are and in those around us. We love quiet; we suffer the mouse to play; when the woods are rustled by the wind, we fear not.......
Rose of Jericho
"A resurrection plant is any plant with the habit of reviving after seeming to be dead or, conversely, of seeming to revive when being in fact dead."
Found in arid areas in the Negev and Sahara Desert, as well as regions of Egypt, Israel, Persia, Jordan and Pakistan, this ancient species of everlasting plants is known as the Resurrection flower because it can go without water for years, losing 98% of its water content and then be rejuvenated within 24 hours. It is famed for its hygroscopic properties, which cause it to curl up into a tight ball when water is scarce, then unfold when in contact with water after years of being dead. The Rose of Jericho has been said to have mystical properties and to bring peace, harmony and abundance.
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