Wednesday, March 14, 2012

OWS Updates for the Week of March 12 Occupy these Upcoming Events!

Wednesday, March 14, 11:00am-2:00pm

1%ers for Romney Rally Outside Fundraiser Luncheon for Romney
Outside Waldorf Astoria Hotel 301 Park Ave (at 50th St)
This will be a fun filled 1%ers for Romney rally with people dressed to the nines, ball gowns, suits, top hats and tiaras – and signs that echo Romney’s own words, “Corporations are People too!” as well as “Buy Your Own Politician. Romney’s Mine.” We’ll highlight the nightmare of corporate personhood and the selling of our democracy to the top bidder.

Thursday, March 15, 8:00pm-10:00pm

Occupy Horizontal Pedagogy Workshop
725 5th Ave at 56th St, Public Atrium
Join the Occupy University workshop on horizontal, facilitated, consensus-model learning. Open to all. Every Thursday.

Saturday, March 17, 11:00-1pm

Parents for Occupy Wall Street - #M17 Call to Action: The Children´s Chalkupation
Liberty Plaza / Zuccotti
Thursday March 8th, around 11pm, 3 occupiers were arrested and detained for over 20 hours for the heinous acts of criminal trespass, trespass and graffiti. What specifically was their criminal activity? - 2 were arrested for drawing on the ground with sidewalk chalk, the 3rd for watching them! This latest example of the NYPD subjecting outrageous oppression on peaceful OWS protestors, and suppression of first amendment free speech in a 24 hour public park is disgusting, petty and a blatant waste of time and police resources. Immediately following the arrests @OWSTactical called for a 'Chalkupation' to show solidarity with the arrested. On Saturday March 17 at 11 am, Parents for Occupy Wall St. and their children call for all of New York's children and parents to join to take colored sticks of calcium carbonate in their hands and defiantly 'Chalkupy' Liberty Plaza for the right to play freely in public space! We plan to cover the park with vibrant chalks of 99% Super Heroes, OWS Kids Characters, and 1% Meanies. Facebook event

Saturday, March 17, 1:00pm Silent Procession

American Spring - Sowing the Seeds of Change
March from Liberty Square to Hunger Memorial
A Call to Action on our six month anniversary: Laying to rest hunger and greed, welcoming a new season, celebrating our resilience and determination. Join a silent procession to bury hunger, greed and grief, of ritual burial and re-birth. Speakers will address issues of food sustainability, housing, health care, and the economy.

Saturday, March 17, 2:00pm

Celebration and 24-hour Reoccupation
Liberty Square
As part of the American Spring, OWS Direct Action will make an effort to liberate space for 24 hours for the people and by the people. We will gather all afternoon at Liberty Square, and at 5pm march to the re-occupation.

Saturday, March 17, 3:00pm - 4:50pm

Left Forum Panel - Occupy Your Work Place
1 Pace Plaza, 5th floor, room W503
Occupy Your Workplace is interested in exploring diverse ways to build workers’ power. This panel will explore larger questions regarding the contemporary working class and discuss various forms of worker organization that are promising.

Sunday, March 18, 12:00pm-2:00pm

Teach-in with Paddy Quick & Barbara Bowen: How can we fight austerity?
Liberty Square
As part of an 8-week series studying May Day and the general strike, facilitated by Occupy University, Barbara Bowen & Paddy Quick will kick off a discussion on fighting austerity.

Saturday March 24, 10:00am

Disrupt Dirty Power!
United Nations Plaza, 405 E. 42nd Street
Occupy Wall Street and allied organizations will kick off a global month of action leading up to Earth Day, April 22, to connect the dots between the 1% and the destruction of the planet. Mock corporate polluters will set up shop, and the 99% will take them on!

**Sunday, March 25, 11:00am-7:00pm

Occupy Town Square IV
Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn
Occupy Town Squares are daytime occupations held in parks and other public spaces around NYC. With info tables, teach-ins, and political discussions, each event seeks to recreate the spirit of occupation and reclaim our public commons. Come share your ideas and stories, learn about the movement, argue with us, debate with us, collaborate with us.

Every Day in March, 11:30-2:00pm

Cultural Occupation Of Liberty Square (COOLS)
Liberty Square
OWS inspired the world by maintaining a presence in Liberty Square – creating a viral action that spread across the country and the globe. COOLS brings, food, discussion, education and fun to the park every day. Bring your appetite and light the fire in your belly that will ignite our actions going forward. Join us – we need each other. Do it now! Tweet using #ows and #CultureOcc and find a full schedule of special events, speakers and performances at


Call to Action: May Day 2012
If you’d like to be added to the announcement and/or discussion listserv or have any questions regarding meeting time, location, structure, please contact

Occupy Everything

Don’t know where to begin? Want help connecting to specific groups and projects? Join us at the next OWS Orientation on our six month anniversary, this Saturday March 17, at noon, in the Atrium at 60 Wall Street. Email Tascha at For more ideas check out The Occupy Wall Street Project List and

This week’s featured Occu-Project: Help plan the Occupy Town Square events, including the next one in Fort Greene Park. Occupy Town Square is looking for creative and hard working people to help with event promotion, scheduling, visual identity for spaces, and connecting to community groups throughout the five boroughs. To get involved, email, join, or attend the weekly meeting every Wednesday, 8pm, in the Atrium at 60 Wall Street.

Occupy Everything

Don’t know where to begin? Want help connecting to specific groups and projects? Join us at the next OWS Orientation on our six month anniversary, this Saturday March 17, at noon, in the Atrium at 60 Wall Street. Email Tascha at For more ideas check out Check out the The Occupy Wall Street Project List and

This week’s featured Occu-Project: Help plan the Occupy Town Square events, including the next one in Fort Greene Park. Occupy Town Square is looking for creative and hard working people to help with event promotion, scheduling, visual identity for spaces, and connecting to community groups throughout the five boroughs. To get involved, email, join, or attend the weekly meeting every Wednesday, 8pm, in the Atrium at 60 Wall Street.

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