Every Day in March Noon-2:00pm
POPS - People Occupying Public Space!
Now at Union Square!
OWS inspired the world by maintaining a presence in Liberty Square – creating a viral action that spread across the country and the globe. POPS brings discussion, education and fun to the Union Square occupation every day. Tweet using #ows and #CultureOcc and find a full schedule of special events, speakers and performances at pops.nycga.net. Don't miss Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers on Friday March 30!
Thursday, March 29, 5:30-8:30pm
Protest Joe “Congressman Wall Street” Crowley’s 50th Birthday Fundraiser
Grand Hyatt Hotel, 109 East 42nd Street between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue
With more trade negotiations underway, it’s vital that we let Congressman Crowley and other Wall Street Democrats know that they will be held accountable when they sell us out to the 1%! Sponsored by TradeJustice New York Metro & Occupy Wall Street Trade Justice Working Group.
Thursday, March 29, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Occupy University Horizontal Pedagogy Workshop
Public Atrium, 56th St and Madison Ave, Adjacent to Trump Tower
Sponsored by the Empowerment & Education working group. Discussion experiment/pedagogy workshop for Occupy University. Open to all. Horizontal/facilitated/consensus-model learning with a dose of problematization.
Friday, March 30. 2:00pm-4:30pm
Weekly Wall Street Marches -- Spring Training
Liberty Square
Start Training for May Day and Join the Spring Resistance! Marches Every Friday, 2pm in Liberty Square! Trainings, skill shares, games, and theatrics from 2:00-3:30pm followed by a march to disrupt the 4:00pm NYSE closing bell with The Peoples’ Gong. Participants are encouraged to wear athletic gear, march with their affinity group, and use the street tactics discussed prior to the march.
Friday, March 30, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Weekly Vigil for Solidarity with Syria
The Syrian Embassy, 820 2nd Avenue
This vigil will begin at 7pm and work towards an overnight vigil in front of the Syrian consulate, starting with a General Assembly to unite a community of solidarity behind Syria and rally together for the wants and needs of the Syrian people. We are offering this as an open forum to dialogue and educate. We will endeavor to have vigils like this every Friday until resolution is made.
Friday, March 30, 11:45pm
Rap Battle: The People of New York vs. the NYPD
Union Square, south steps
Got beef with cops for enforcing a system of racist economic inequality? This Friday you'll get to express that beef in a public forum where you won't be arrested, the cops will have to listen you, and (unlike the status quo) the people ALWAYS WIN!
April 1, 2012 7:00-9pm
May Day Affinity & Action Spokes
Middle Collegiate Church, 50 E 7th Street (btwn 1st and 2nd ave)
This body aspires to inspire autonomous actions and collectively create a space where different groups taking action on May 1st can support each other through mutual aid and solidarity. Please attend with your fellow organizers, or send a delegate! A very subversive invitation!
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, April 14, 1-6pm
City Wide General Assembly
Central Park South, 6th Ave entrance, on the west side of Wollman Rink
Join Occupy Wall Street on to kick off exciting spring and summer events. We will converge on Central Park to create a transformative, citywide, mass movement. The day will include Occupy style open space with tabling, teach-ins, food, music, and more!
Call to Action: May Day 2012
If you’d like to be added to the listserv, please email mayday-subscribe@lists.occupy.net. Any questions regarding meeting time, location, structure, please contact mayday@nycga.net or check maydaynyc.org.
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