A protest by the OWS Health Action General Assembly will take place at St. Vincent’s hospital this Saturday to demonstrate the growing frustration with a system that values luxury condominiums over care for the sick. The OWS Health Action General Assembly is composed of patients, nurses, social workers, physicians, and regular citizens coming together to seek alternatives to the present healthcare system.
We realize that the present healthcare, housing, and food crisis can no longer be solved by the ‘experts’ and ‘professionals’ only. It requires a much broader participation of citizens in order to succeed with any long-lasting alternatives. We are living in an era of created scarcity despite the abundance of technology, resources, and production at our disposal. This inequality present in our current healthcare system serves the interest of the few while leaving millions suffering.
While Wall Street got bailed out, 6 million homes have been foreclosed since 2007, 1.6 million teenagers must live on the streets, and 50 million Americans must exist with no access to healthcare.
The Occupy Wall Street movement has unleashed a wave of protests and assemblies confronting the failures of the present financial system; the gross inequalities which exist within the US healthcare system are a direct result of a structure that values the profits of the 1% over the financial and physical well-being of the 99%.
Occupy Wall Street is part of an international people powered movement fighting for economic justice in the face of neoliberal economic practices, the crimes of Wall Street, and a government controlled by monied interests. #OWS is the 99% organizing to end the tyranny of the 1%. For more info www.occupywallst.org
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