Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Need another reason not to take one of those "romantic" horse-drawn carriage rides? How about two? The first is Chance, a former carriage horse who was rescued by a horse sanctuary after she was sent to a slaughter auction. Chance's hooves were severely damaged, likely as a result of the long hours that she spent trudging on hard pavement in ill-fitting shoes. She now lives on a 50-acre farm in New Jersey, where she is at last able to lie down at night to sleep (something she couldn't do in West Side Livery's cramped stables).

The second is Bobby, a gelding who, like Chance, still had a four-digit carriage operator's ID number on his hoof. He was pulled out of a slaughterhouse's "kill pen" in the nick of time. The first thing Bobby did after arriving at his new home at Equine Advocates' sanctuary? He rolled in the grass—something he probably hadn't been able to do for years.

Want to help other horses like Chance and Bobby? If you haven't already done so, sign PETA's petition calling on New York City to ban horse-drawn carriages (and urge everyone you know to do the same).

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