Each year, more than 16 billion animals are killed for food in the United States. But if they could speak to you, each one just might say, "Love us, don't eat us."
Sign the pledge to go vegan today!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Protest Enters Second Week; 80 Arrested at Peaceful March
On Saturday, more than 80 protesters were arrested as hundreds took part in yet another march to Wall Street. Many of them were committing civil disobedience by walking in the street, but some say they were on the sidewalk when officers with the New York City Police Department used nets and physical force to break up the crowd. Videos uploaded to YouTube show officers pepper-spraying protesters in the face from close range, punching demonstrators and dragging people through the street. Since Sept. 17, thousands have gathered near in New York City’s financial district near Wall Street to decry corporate greed. Many have said they have been inspired by other popular uprisings from Spain to the Arab Spring. On Sunday, protesters issued a communiqué calling for the resignation of the NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly and for a dialogue with Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
There were some arrests down in the Wall Street area, including someone from the media team, around Fifth Avenue and 12th Street. There was a mass arrest. As many as a hundred, perhaps around a hundred, were taken in, in police vans, in city buses. And then those who remained came down. There were reports of pepper spray being used, people being dragged around on the ground by their hair. The witness reports are still coming in.
There were some arrests down in the Wall Street area, including someone from the media team, around Fifth Avenue and 12th Street. There was a mass arrest. As many as a hundred, perhaps around a hundred, were taken in, in police vans, in city buses. And then those who remained came down. There were reports of pepper spray being used, people being dragged around on the ground by their hair. The witness reports are still coming in.
There’s a lot of—there’s a lot of causes out here, but I think the main thing that we’re looking for is that we’re human beings, and human beings should come before money. Human beings should come before profit. There’s a lot of greed out here, and a lot of people don’t have things, and there’s a few small people who do have it, and they’re keeping it from us. And they’ve got the cops out here to protect them, and they should be out here protecting us, you know? That’s why we’re out here, because there’s injustice going on. And everybody wants to know, what’s our cause, what’s our cause? Listen, this is not just a protest. This is a struggle. It’s a fight. It’s a war going on. And we’re fighting a peaceful war.
This protest began on Saturday with a rally down near Bowling Green and then a march up to a surprise location, which turned out to be Liberty Plaza. Since then, people began spending the night, that first night. Every day since, there have been interactions with the police, generally including arrests. There’s been a lot of frustration about media coverage. But what matters more is that this group is learning the skills that are necessary in order to build that kind of coverage and build that kind of presence in the media.
Monday, September 26, 2011
NY Fashion Week's 'Fashion Massacre'
Last Tuesday, during New York's Fashion week, tatted, pierced and multi-color-haired beauties took the stage for the "Fashion Massacre" runway show. This wasn't just your typical fashion show either—not only were the models alternative, edgy, and rock-n-roll, but every aspect of the show was 100% cruelty-free and vegan—the clothing was by Strange Vixens and the makeup was from Rockeresque Beauty Company.
Check out some pics from the show!

Check out some pics from the show!
Friday, September 23, 2011
The DIY Activist
DIY collection can help you go from zero to activist in the amount of time it takes your printer!!!!!
I'm sure you'll be super busy with all of these!!!
- Ringling Bros. Circus Beats Elephants
- Cruelty is Not Entertainment—Boycott the Circus
- Where to Eggs Come From?
- Where Do Easter Eggs Come From?
- Take Action (black & white and color!)
- Shrine Circus Cruelty to Animals
- KFC Cruelty
- Stop the Canadian Seal Slaughter
- Leaflets for 13 U.S. states with dissection choice policies
- Rooster Feathers
- Flesh is for Zombies
- Elephants Never Forget
- Veganize Your Cafeteria
- KFC Tortures Chickens
- Cut Out Dissection
- McCruelty
- Animal Testing Breaks Hearts
- Canadian Seal Slaughter
- Meat's Not Green
- Fur is Dead
- Woof!
- Don't Support Donkey Basketball
- Stop School Slaughter
- Circuses are No Fun for Animals
- Tell Burberry to Ban Fur!
- Flesh is for Zombies
- Grow Your Own Fur
- The Veggie Burger Project (Be sure to check out The Veggie Burger Project site here.)
- Stickers (English)
- Stickers (Spanish)
- Stencils
- Iron-Ons
- Tear-Off Fliers
- Guide to starting a student group
I'm sure you'll be super busy with all of these!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I am Troy Davis
I am literally sick to my stomach, I realize more and more what a cruel unfair fcuked up world we live in.
Friday, September 16, 2011
A night in with Netflix
I love movies. I always have.. So naturally, when I first became vegetarian, I sought out all the movies I could that dealt with cruelty to animals and the food industry. Below, I have compiled a short list of some of my favorites that I think are worth viewing by everyone (vegan or otherwise). All these movies are available through Netflix, and you can even add some of them to your instant queue!
The Cove (91 min.)
Available for instant streaming on NetflixRic O'Barry's life with dolphins took off in the 1960s when he was hired to capture and train five dolphins for the TV show Flipper. In 1970, Ric realized that these social animals were being denied everything that is natural and important to them, and he subsequently founded The Dolphin Project in order to educate people about the cruelty of dolphin captivity. This Academy Award–winning 2009 documentary follows Ric and his team as they fight against fishers, police, and the Japanese government to uncover a secret annual "dolphin drive hunt" in which more than 2,000 dolphins are netted and slaughtered in Taiji, Wakayama, Japan.
Food, Inc. (94 min.)
Available for instant streaming on NetflixDirected by Emmy Award–winner Robert Kenner, Food, Inc. shines a harrowing spotlight on America's corporate food industry. Broken into segments, the film focuses on cruelty to animals, human welfare, and the economic and environmental impact that the corporate food industry has on our lives.
With cold weather just around the corner what a perfect way to cuddle up with your cutie and get comfy!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Audiences are flocking to see the new thriller Contagion for its exciting action scenes and big-name celebrities, but the film's storyline is more true to life than many people may realize.
As the recent swine and bird flu outbreaks have amply illustrated, deadly diseases that originate on factory farms easily spread to humans. Just last month, three children in Pennsylvania were diagnosed with a new strain of swine flu that the state's Department of Health believes they may have contracted from animals at an agricultural fair. And the World Health Organization is concerned about a true pandemic this winter.
Filthy conditions on severely crowded factory farms are the perfect breeding ground for deadly contagious diseases. Considering that factory farms breed swine flu, avian flu, MRSA, mad cow disease, and E. coli, not to mention cruelty to animals, isn't it time that we ditch diseased dinners in favor of healthy platters of plants?
PETA will be distributing leaflets about the dangers of factory farming at theaters showing Contagion across the country. To get involved, contact our Action Team.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
This may be what you're used to thinking of as an anti-viv poster:
But nowadays, you're just as likely to see this as an anti-viv poster:
The World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences is the premier international conference on alternatives to animal testing. (Yes, we know that the "and" in the title should be "to" and have mentioned that to the organizers.) Even though animal experimenters attend the conference and peddle their wares and displays touting cruel experiments like force-feeding animals Jerusalem artichokes (seriously), there is also a lot of excellent information presented on non-animal testing methods and strategies.
With close to 1,000 participants from more than 50 countries at the conference, PETA's scientists were encouraged to note how many companies and laboratories represented at the Congress are actively working on technology and testing methods that can reduce or replace the use of animals. Not only are these methods 100 percent humane, they are also less expensive, more effective, and faster than animal tests.
That's because PETA has a squadron of scientists who meet with government regulators, serve on expert working groups, put pressure on international corporations, publish in scientific journals, and make presentations at international scientific conferences like the one that took place in August in Montréal.
The World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences is the premier international conference on alternatives to animal testing. (Yes, we know that the "and" in the title should be "to" and have mentioned that to the organizers.) Even though animal experimenters attend the conference and peddle their wares and displays touting cruel experiments like force-feeding animals Jerusalem artichokes (seriously), there is also a lot of excellent information presented on non-animal testing methods and strategies.
Five PETA scientists presented displays and gave talks at last week's conference about ways to avoid using animals in endocrine testing, skin testing, and other tests. Our presentation on vaccine testing evidenced how PETA has succeeded in using a variety of pressure points to save thousands of animals from being used in cruel vaccine testing, including convincing the U.S. government to replace the use of pigs in painful erysipelas vaccine tests. Another PETA scientist addressed attendees regarding new non-animal technologies that can replace the use of mice in antibody production work.
With close to 1,000 participants from more than 50 countries at the conference, PETA's scientists were encouraged to note how many companies and laboratories represented at the Congress are actively working on technology and testing methods that can reduce or replace the use of animals. Not only are these methods 100 percent humane, they are also less expensive, more effective, and faster than animal tests.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
D.C. Protests Against the Japanese Dolphin Slaughter!
You wanna know something that really gets to me? The annual Japanese dolphin slaughter.
For those of you who don't know: In the Japanese fishing village of Taiji, entire schools of dolphins are driven into a hidden cove after a prolonged chase, and once trapped inside the cove, the fishers kill the dolphins by cutting their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears. The water turns red with the dolphins' blood as the dolphins scream and struggle to escape. Although some assume that the dolphins are killed to supply a small minority of Japanese people with dolphin meat, the animals are actually killed as "pests" because they compete with commercial fishing (sounds familiar, right?).
The annual six-month massacre begins on September 1, and claims the lives of approximately 23,000 dolphins and small whales in Japan every year. In honor of the thousands of dolphins that will be slaughtered this year.
Check out some pics:

If you don't want to support the slaughter of dolphins, don't visit any place that has dolphins in captivity (this includes SeaWorld, guys).
Click here to send a letter to the Japanese government and ask them to stop the slaughter. For more information about the Japanese slaughter of dolphins, visit www.savejapandolphins.org, and be sure to watch The Cove if you haven't already!
Your help will dolphinitely make a difference!
For those of you who don't know: In the Japanese fishing village of Taiji, entire schools of dolphins are driven into a hidden cove after a prolonged chase, and once trapped inside the cove, the fishers kill the dolphins by cutting their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears. The water turns red with the dolphins' blood as the dolphins scream and struggle to escape. Although some assume that the dolphins are killed to supply a small minority of Japanese people with dolphin meat, the animals are actually killed as "pests" because they compete with commercial fishing (sounds familiar, right?).
The annual six-month massacre begins on September 1, and claims the lives of approximately 23,000 dolphins and small whales in Japan every year. In honor of the thousands of dolphins that will be slaughtered this year.
Check out some pics:
If you don't want to support the slaughter of dolphins, don't visit any place that has dolphins in captivity (this includes SeaWorld, guys).
Click here to send a letter to the Japanese government and ask them to stop the slaughter. For more information about the Japanese slaughter of dolphins, visit www.savejapandolphins.org, and be sure to watch The Cove if you haven't already!
Your help will dolphinitely make a difference!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
What to Eat
Think eating vegan is difficult? We've got news for you: Excluding animal flesh and animal-derived byproducts from your diet is no more difficult than continuing to eat animals—only now, you won't feel the guilt!
Going vegan is a simple decision that can have exciting results. By choosing vegan foods, you'll move beyond standard American fare and into the realm of delicious new foods that are just waiting to be devoured!
Grocery shopping also becomes an adventure, especially when you look past your friendly local health-food store. And when you shop in standard grocery stores, you'll quickly realize how many awesome foods out there just happen to be naturally vegan. So lose the lame excuses and go for it!
There's no need to eat another bowl of plain iceberg lettuce! Dining out vegan-style can be more than salad bars and hunger pangs. Lots of mainstream restaurants already include vegan options on their menus, or at least something that can be made vegan with a few substitutions. You just have to know where to go! Check out our list for great options near you.
Whether you're a kitchen superhero leaping long recipes in a single bound or still trying to figure out how to tie your apron, we have recipes that you can handle, no problem. Something quick? Check! Desserts? Check! Something to impress your parents? Check! Something delicious? Oh, yeah! So, get to cooking!
Guide to Vegan Grocery Shopping
Feeling a little lost in the grocery store? Wish stores carried more vegan items? Well, lucky for you, a ton of food items actually are vegan but just don't advertise it! Vegan foods can be found in convenience stores, mainstream supermarkets, and many other places. So before you hit the aisles of your local store, check out our list of great "undercover" vegan foods, some of which you may already have.
Two-Week Meal Planner
To make things as easy as possible, we've created a two-week sample vegan menu. It's designed for new vegans who aren't sure what to eat and for longtime vegans who are looking to shake up their current diet by trying something new. Enjoy!
Popular Vegan Alternative Foods
If you are newly vegan, having certain items close at hand will make it simple to prepare some of your favorite main dishes, desserts, and whatever else you may be craving. Just substitute these ingredients for the dairy, eggs, meat, etc., in recipes and give standbys a fresh vegan (and much healthier!) twist.
Animal Ingredients
This list is designed to help you identify animal ingredients found in food as well as cosmetics and other commercially produced items. Manufacturers are getting sneakier with their labels (probably because they realize that eating the leftover bits of slaughtered animals is super disgusting). But armed with this list, you won't fall for their tricks! You do, however, have to promise us that you won't use this list for evil purposes (such as "vegan policing") that give vegans a bad rap.
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